
kredit to : afiq akashah :)

Thursday, September 16

16 sept 10

thnx to:-
for the time
for the talk
for the laugh
for the posses
for the pictures
for the walk
for the care
for the words
for the anything
n everything

im so damn thankful to
ever have d chance to be all of u pnya friend :)

yg niiiii
kna byk makaseh kat mama lutiong.
mama lutiong sanggup bukak kasut gak
just to teman si lutiong yg bodo ni.
adui.seyes terharu geyla time tu.
mcm nk p peluk ja.
tpi tu la.
tgn aq dh dioccupied by mr lumpuq.
so dok snyum qenyih je la kat mama.

sedap geyla!!!
nyesai aq p telan byk2 sblum p umah hg benei.
klu dk boley aq telan byk gey.

seyes lawo geylo bangang siot!
amek kat bendang tu.
bendang dpan umah aq xselawo tu tw ak.
seyes xpuais gey amek kat bendang
rsa cm mw p gey next time.
smua sbab aq la
p qalit jln msuk dlm selut tuu.
aiyaaa sry la noh mpa smua.
kna tman balik umah bsoh kaki.
aq tw elis kecewa.sry ah noh elis sry3 ;(

p ctu
masih xley lupa kat bdk bodo tu.
isk la.geram siot.
mcm nk p terjun msok parit yg kat bendang tu ja.
haaaa remembrance : pmr 18 hari gey.
semua pkat ketaq geyla la dengaq.

plus pulok aq dh byk qalit.
stat dri sblum rya.
smpai la la ni.
aq rsa aq xmw online dh kot.
geram ngt eh.
spa2 yg bca ni.
tlg doa kat aq.
dis time aq nk tekun for real.

ps : sry xdk gamaq.
seyes byk sgt.kah3!

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